Your Mind Is A Powerful Tool
Quantum Physics has showed that everything, visible and invisible, in our universe is energy. We human beings on Earth appear as individuals who seem separated from one another and all other beings, but through the core of each individual’s spirit, we actually are all connected in a vast ocean of energy, called Chi (炁), or the Tao (道), or Holy Spirit, or God, the almighty Creator. In other words, all beings and non-beings in this universe are one huge spiritual being. This is termed by some people as the universal consciousness.
A human being is composed of a physical body, a spirit called by some people as soul, and a mind that motivates the person to interact with other people and cope with daily problems. The body, as we all know, is only a temporary structure. It is a dwelling-place for the spirit in the current lifetime and will decay gradually as a person grows older, leading to its final demise when life comes to the end.
Few people would muse over the question why he or she was born on Earth as a human being. Nowadays people could live as long as 100 years old. But what is the purpose of life? Are we supposed to just live life by repeating the daily routines like most other people do and allow our life to get stuck in a rut?
The lifetime of a human being is too precious to be wasted. It provides a golden opportunity to get yourself out of the samsara and say goodbye forever to the cycles of birth and death. But to achieve that, you need to know the universal truth – the law of the great Nature, the Tao – and a strong will to work through your mind to not only awaken your inner real self and activate the primordial Chi (先天炁), but also to shed your long-established habits and return your spirit to its original purity, carrying not even a slightest mental imprint.
Few people know that the human mind is a powerful creative tool although they are aware that everything begins in the mind. We are here on Earth as human beings because of what we had done with our minds in our previous lifetimes. Some people are well-to-do, while others fare poorly. The difference is not a matter of who is lucky or not. Everything that has occurred to us is a result of our own making.
Your fate in this life may have already been set, but your destiny for the future can be changed – by beginning to work with your mind correctly in accordance with the Tao, the law of the universe.
Since it’s your mind that has brought you to your present state of existence, you also have to rely on your mind to remove the barriers and elevate your spirit for eternal self-salvation. No-one else can do that for you; you yourself alone shall determine your own destiny.
To become a spiritual practitioner, a person must know the functions of the spirit and the mind, which are like the two sides of a coin. While the mind is the prime mover of everything, the spirit is like a power-house that provides us with the necessary life force. As our spirits are made of exactly the same essence as that of our Creator, we can say correctly that God is within us. As God has created everything and we are all His offspring, we can define God as everything in the universe put together. So it is correct to say that we all live in God and each of us is a part of God.
People of different religious persuasions have shared the same views, albeit in different words of expression. The Taoists see the human spirit as an epitome of the Tao of the universe and has the same characteristics as the indescribable Tao, and that through cultivation, a person can merge with the Tao and become one with the universe. The Buddhists say that all sentient beings have a Buddha nature, and that when a person is able to manifest his Buddha nature, it means he has achieved Buddhahood – a state of nirvana. The New Testament of the Christian Bible has pointed out that the kingdom of God, as well as the Holy Spirit, is within us. The ultimate goal of Christians is to achieve oneness with God.
The human spirit can work like an IC chip. Its vast storage capacity keeps everything its owner has ever seen, heard, said, learned, experienced, liked or detested. These memories together form the values and habits that shape a person’s character.
The human soul is a pocket of bio-energy. Its core is made of primordial Chi, which is of the same substance as the almighty Creator. The energy body, before being trapped in a physical body, was untainted as that of a deity and could travel freely in the universe. We have fouled our spirits to such an extent that we had to come down on Earth as human beings. Owing to the misuse of the mind¸ we have created what we must endure in our present life. If we don’t do something to reverse the downward trend, we may sink further to an unknown abyss. The only way to return to our heavenly home and live blissfully is to restore our spirits to their original purity. There is no limit as to how high our spiritual selves can rise. We all can become angels, saints, devas, Buddhas, deities or other highly evolved divine beings.
The mind is a tool that dispenses energy, so all thoughts generated in the mind are energy that vibrates at a certain frequency. The thoughts are messages beamed by the mind to the outer world, announcing our feelings and intensions to the entire universe. So the myth is broken that one can keep secrets in mind; only fools believe so.
The thoughts generated in the mind can occur subconsciously through inner dialogues. They can also manifest as words and deeds, which will bring about consequences affecting the conditions of our existence. Therefore, we need to be careful with our thoughts, because they can transform into habits that form our character and shape our destiny.
Thoughts repeated often tend to come true, as they attract other energy that vibrates at the same frequency. By changing your thoughts and mindset positively, you can chart a different course in your spiritual quest and begin to create your new destiny.
Positive thoughts are good energy that allows us to experience pleasant and happy feelings and radiate goodwill. They are conducive to good health and harmony in our living environment. Studies have found that positive thinking can boost the immune system and have a beneficial effect on your body.
On the other hand, you need to guard against negative thoughts because they are prone to such emotions as worry, fear, sadness, anger, hatred and jealousy. These negative emotions can diminish your life force and downgrade your spirit to become a lesser being, such as a beast or a roaming hungry ghost, in the next life.
All forms of life on Earth are taking part in the evolutionary process of the universe. As human beings, we can have a free choice – to move up or to go down. We are equipped with the greatest abilities and have the best opportunities among all other beings to elevate ourselves to the levels of deities, immortals or other highly evolved beings.